“If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
-- Ignacio Estrada

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Apps in Education *blog*


I found this blog through one of searches. I can't remember where as I tend to find things, save them to my bookmarks, and look at them later. Thanks to someone who may have posted this on facebook, had it on their own blog, or 'tweeted' about it. If I could have remembered, I would have given you the credit.

This blog gives some great information about the iPad, adaptations for the iPad, and how the iPad effects the principle of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The HOME page of the blog is a compilation of various articles relating to the iPad. Then each "subject" area has a separate tab which lists apps for that area, some listing app price, small app icon (which I find helpful to make sure I have found the right app when searching), and a review of that app. There is a tab relating to APPS for TEACHERS/SPECIAL NEEDS. I was quite excited to see this until I really looked at what was presented. There was a list of 3 apps earmarked as special needs and many listed as teacher; however, no app reviews are listed in this area. I still found the subject area breakdown helpful when looking for a specific area; however, I may need to make some contact with the blog and see when we will see some reviews in this section.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Melanie
    Thanks for the mention on your blog. I too would like to have more apps reviewed but as you can imagine it is a time consuming process. I do have a bundle to add to the list of Special Needs for next month.

    If you would like to review some I would be only too happy to give you credit on the blog.
