“If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
-- Ignacio Estrada

Monday, November 26, 2012

My Edublog Award Nominations are in!

After being swamped with work-work as well as grad school-work, I finally had time to sit down and think about nominations for the Edublog awards (just under the deadline ...phew!). I still feel that I am very new in this world of social media; however, the impact that some of the people I have met, some of the posts I have read, as well as some of the comments I have received over the past couple of years has definitely changed me as an educator. For this, I am taking time to share a few of my nominations in hopes that others see the benefit of being connected as a group of globals educators. If you would like to nominate some great educational resources as well, check out Edublog for more information.

Best Individual Blog - The Innovative Educator

Best EdTech/Resource Sharing Blog - Cybraryman’s Catalogue of Education Websites

Best Teacher Blog - Miss Kolis’ Room 5 Blog - an amazing resource for parents: newsletters, collection of app reviews, theme activities, classroom resources

Best Twitter hashtag - #spedchat and #maet (Masters of Ed Tech at Michigan State University)

Best Free Web Tool - Google and the collaborative tools available, such as Google Docs and G+ hangouts

Best Educational Wiki - UDLtechtoolkit

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