“If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
-- Ignacio Estrada

My Goals for this blog...

  • increase parent awareness to what great things their children can do and are doing within the classroom.
  • display and present technology information from a teacher's perspective to allow the reader to be more informed about the great things happening with technology and education.
  • be a resource for parents and other professionals on how technology can be integrated into the home and school setting. 
  • provide up-to-date information about special education, the trends in education, and the ever changing world of technology.

The opinions expressed on this website are my own - as a teacher, parent, family member, and friend. I have no personal connections to any of the companies or products mentioned in this blog. Some of these apps/products were given to me to try out for the purpose of giving feedback as to how well they worked with the students with whom I work or how well I liked them as an educator. The reviews were not influenced by the fact that the apps/products were free. I am here to give my opinion as a mom, teacher, lover of learning, and budding technology 'geek'. 

At this time I work for a school system, and use my classroom as an example. The school system is not responsible for anything I write on this blog. 
DISCLAIMER: The resources (app, website, activity, etc.) posted on this blog have not ALL been tested with students. Some resources are posted as a service to the reader. I will post updates, reviews, and recommendations when I feel a resource is worthy. It is the responsibility of the reader (as parents/teachers/professionals)​ to evaluate each resource and determine what will best meet the needs of your child(ren)/student(s).