“If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
-- Ignacio Estrada

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Animal Projects

End of the year is always a busy time. For the first graders, this always means animal project time!!

Here are a couple projects from our first graders.

Isaiah did his project on the Great White Shark. Here is the 'glog' or online, interactive poster he helped create using Glogster EDU.

Dan (who is has challenges for speaking for long periods of time) typed his project, then helped create his own voki to give his animal project speech on Cheetah's. He was very particular about the hair and skin color, sunglasses, and the black and orange jersey top. We struggled with getting the right voice as his first choice, the Daniel voice, had an English accent which did NOT make him happy! He setting on the James voice.