September is one of my favorite months for classroom activities. In September, we always do activities relating to apples and of course, we always cook something!
This year was no different!
This year was no different!
In September, we learned about the inside and outside of apples. We painted with apples. We learned about what an apple tree looks like through the seasons. Then, we ended the month with making blender applesauce with Mrs. Keck's class. It was a great time for the students to spend some time with their friend who are no longer in our class. The students did amazingly well, sitting patiently, for over an hour as each student was able to participate in parts of the applesauce recipe.
Our Apple Paintings
Peeling Apples with the Apple Peeler/Corer
Enjoying some apple peel!
Using the PowerLink and switch to blend up the applesauce
Using TouchChat app to help 'read' the recipe and answer questions about the recipe