Dear blog followers,
My reading class is beginning a section of stories that focus on different countries and cultures. I will be posting a little about the countries and cultures, especially questions that the students may have. This will be a part of building background knowledge for the students as well creating a motivating, authentic audience for our writings.
What can you do as a follower? The students would love to have some comments that we can read in class. Anyone can comment. (Comments are moderated before posting.) What I am really looking for are people who can be the students personal connection to texts we are reading. For instance, we just started a book about Sweden and the Arctic. I would love to have a comment or two from someone from Sweden and/or the Arctic. Feel free to share this post if you know someone who could help connect our class.
Thanks for your time reading! Sorry the posts have been limited in the past few months, but I have been focusing on creating an eportfolio (electronic portfolio) that showcase myself and the classroom. This process has been time consuming so between lesson planning, grad school, and being a mom, the blog had to suffer a little. I hope to be back up and blogging regularly starting in May.