“If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
-- Ignacio Estrada

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Using AAC in the classroom...

Big Mack switch by AbleNet/Boardmaker picture by Mayor-Johnson

A couple weeks ago I was asked write a guest post for my friends over at Technology in (Spl) Education (great special ed tech resource - Check them out!) . In honor of October being AAC awareness month, my post was about using AAC within the classroom. This a topic that I is extremely important to me. I think that the incorporation of communication opportunities within the classroom is very important for the students to feel engaged within the classroom activities. Since my students are younger, it is often a time to explore and trial what will work with the students. The working relationship between the SLP and myself also helps foster the incorporation of the AAC use within the classroom. We truly have a collaborative relationship versus a tell and do relationship that allows us to assess, explore, and problem solve together making the experiences more meaningful for the students.

Parents, if you are interested in finding out more about how we use AAC in the classroom, this would be a great post to read. It will also give you some ideas on things that you cold incorporate at home.

If you are interested in a simple description of the levels of AAC, how AAC is incorporated into the classroom, and actual examples of how I incorporated with use of AAC during a recent Applesauce recipe lesson, please check out my post over at Technology in (Spl) Education:

How to use AAC in the Classroom to integrate non-verbal students in to daily classroom routines

If you are interested in some of the visuals created for the applesauce lesson, leave a comment with your email address and I can send them your way!

Thanks to those of you who have already read and responded the post. I have welcomed a few new twitter followers as a result which is pretty exciting! Please let me know what you think as well as if there are other topics that you would like me to address.

Lastly, don't forget the Technology in (Spl) Education is having a Appy Halloween promotion. Click here for more details!


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