Yes, it is that time of year already! School starts in about 2 weeks!
August 16th ~ First Day of School
I have added two new pages to the website.
The "What's Happening!!" page will house the Welcome Back letter with supply list as well as monthly newsletters. I will also try to include school happenings, such as late starts and conferences. I think this might be a little more effective than the 'calendar' page from last year.
The second page is called In Pictures ~ Room 220. This page will be a picture blog - no words, just pictures of the students, classroom, activities, etc. My goal for this picture blog is to give you glimpse into the classroom from the students' eyes. At first, I will be the one taking and posting the photographs. Eventually, I would like the students to begin taking ownership. I want them to be able to have a say in what they want you to know about our classroom. I will allow them to choose what pictures to take as well as guide them in taking and posting pictures so that you can see Room 220 ~ In Pictures!
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email. I will be at school periodically over the next couple weeks. If you would like to schedule a time to have your child come up for a visit, let me know and we can work something out.